Mechanical Assembly & Finishing
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Customized Solutions
At Cadrex, we can provide multiple levels of mechanical assembly and finishing. From simple requirements like hardware insertion to full-scale mechanical assemblies that require welding and painting. Whatever your needs, our team starts working with you early in the design phases to ensure everything fits together, and your sub-assembly or final product seamlessly moves to the next step.
Keeping your product with one company eliminates potential risks associated with moving custom components to another vendor.
Mechanical Assembly & Finishing Capabilities
Hardware Insertion
Mig, Tig, and Robotic Welding
Powder Paint Lines and Batch Powder Booths and Ovens
Pad Printing & Silk Screening
Conductive Coating (EMI/RFI)
A-coating, and E-coating
Electroplating and Electroless Plating
Chemical Film and Chromate Conversion
Heat Staking, Inserting, Part Bonding, Seal and Gasket Installation
Blog Post
What To Look For When Sourcing Large Sheet Metal Enclosures
Sheet metal enclosures come in all shapes and sizes. It’s the larger ones, however, that often cause designers and manufacturers the most grief. Here are some things to keep in mind for your next project.

Metal Welding
Welding joins two pieces of metal using heat that fuses them. At Cadrex, we offer multiple types of welding. Depending on the application, a different kind will be needed.
Tig (tungsten inert gas) – Most commonly used for small parts and thin metal materials. Because of the delicate nature of this process, it can be slower but is visually appealing.
Mig (metal inert gas) – Best for larger parts and thicker materials. This process is not always precise but fast and clean.
Robotic Welding Cells – Fully automated welding processes can be used for various applications, materials, and part sizes. Programmed by expert welders, this is ideal for higher volumes when speed is critical.

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